After my posting this morning, moaning about the cost of kids, Mike called within minutes. He was at LCC and the locks of his car were apparently frozen. He thought he would climb through the trunk to get in the car but his key BROKE off in the trunk lock!
No problem........IF you have a second set of keys, which we did not. Jennifer to the rescue!
Jennifer has the wonderful insurance plan that our company sells. It covers lock out. Good thing, because the car had to be towed to the dealer, 2 keys made and the keys "re-programmed" to match the car. $203 later.....Mike was back on the road.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Need a Second Job
Most of you who read this blog either have little ones that may seem expensive, but in truth are NOT......YET! The rest of you have older children and are laughing at me, because I am still raising mine.
In the past week I have heard, "Can I have a class ring?" "I need to order Graduation Announcements, cap and gown" (thank God), "I need new boots" , "I need a new coat", "I need to order a yearbook", "Can I have 2 Concert Tickets for my birthday?", "I need to pay for having my guitar worked on.",.......................................and on it goes.
Not one bit of it bothers me. After all, we go to work so we can provide for our families. Yet it is amazing how we do it. As the school sends home one opportunity after another to spend money, the prices increase every day. Class rings now cost more than my engagement ring!
Yearbooks? You have to be kidding. You don't even want to know. The other day a customer asked me how I would feel giving out $60 a week to kids for lunch money......3 kids.....$4 per day. I told him I do it every week. We grumbled together about the days of school lunches for under a buck.
They don't ask for more than they really need. Prices have just gotten crazy. I sound like my Dad again. Oh well.
I love my kids more than I can say. I want to give them EVERYTHING!
In the past week I have heard, "Can I have a class ring?" "I need to order Graduation Announcements, cap and gown" (thank God), "I need new boots" , "I need a new coat", "I need to order a yearbook", "Can I have 2 Concert Tickets for my birthday?", "I need to pay for having my guitar worked on.",.......................................and on it goes.
Not one bit of it bothers me. After all, we go to work so we can provide for our families. Yet it is amazing how we do it. As the school sends home one opportunity after another to spend money, the prices increase every day. Class rings now cost more than my engagement ring!
Yearbooks? You have to be kidding. You don't even want to know. The other day a customer asked me how I would feel giving out $60 a week to kids for lunch money......3 kids.....$4 per day. I told him I do it every week. We grumbled together about the days of school lunches for under a buck.
They don't ask for more than they really need. Prices have just gotten crazy. I sound like my Dad again. Oh well.
I love my kids more than I can say. I want to give them EVERYTHING!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Month End
My kids know "month end" means tired Mom. Long work days end with a bowl of cereal instead of dinner because it is just easier. Then fall asleep on the couch in about 10 minutes, only to get up and do it again.
January has been a month of sickness in the House of Chin. The boys had it, gave it to me and of course it lasted the rest of the month for me. Now the boys seem to have "it" again! I will be happy to see January OVER!
January has been a month of sickness in the House of Chin. The boys had it, gave it to me and of course it lasted the rest of the month for me. Now the boys seem to have "it" again! I will be happy to see January OVER!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Missing My Dad
It has been 17 years since my Dad passed away and I realize I talk about him every day. If only I could be such a parent, to have that kind of impact.
Every situation that arises, somehow I hear his voice in my head. There is always a "Gordyism" to fit the problem. Some are pretty funny, others are just bits of advice. Every childhood memory is filled with Dad. I realize one thing. He made his kids believe that there was NOTHING that they could not accomplish!
We were taught life was going to be hard work, but hard work was just a new challenge. Challenge was a good thing. It made your heart beat faster and you knew you were alive!
You also knew you were going to win.
When things didn't turn out so well, it was only another opportunity for a Gordyism. "If life hands you a lemon, make lemonade", then he helped you figure out how to do that. He never gave you the answer, but taught you how to think.
We were "little people" with most of the family falling between 4'10 and 5'5" tall.
"The bigger they are the harder they fall, Pal!" I can hear him say it over and over. If it was going to be a tough fight, he might say "They may end up with dinner, but you had better get LUNCH."
Every challenge had a planning stage. Selling Girl Scout cookies began with a talk with Dad. It went something like this:
"How many do you have to sell to be the top salesgirl?"
"How many days do you have to do this?"
"Who could be your customers?"
"Let's plan what you will say...."
No wonder Dave and I both ended up in sales! And yes, I was always the top salesgirl. In Cub Scouts, Dave sold so much fertilizer that they delivered in via semi-truck. Mom almost fainted when they filled our entire driveway with those big bags. Dad helped him deliver every bag.
Memories of boxing with Dad on the front lawn (boxing gloves and all) by the age of 5 or 6 are floating around in my head today. He taught me how to defend myself, but there was more learned there as he taught me to think fast and defensively. I was afraid of no one.
More memories of special "secret" trips that ended up at places like the Magic Drinking Fountain are like treasures to pull out on a bad day. After a full day of just time together, we would arrive at the Fountain and he would tell me about the people who believed that this water was so "special" and we were going to get a drink of it. I can still taste that cold well water. I drove by it the other day when I was in Northville and my heart ached for Dad.
He taught me the value of imagination and time spent, just experiencing a beautiful fall day with your Dad. The Michigan State Fair that became a tradition to look forward to as he made every display, event and ride seem like a miracle......I love to watch the home movies of learning how to fish in the lakes up north after he built the anticipation for weeks for our summer vacation.
We knew summer meant a week "up north" at the cottage. Maybe that is why I long for a cottage so much. Those memories of lazy mornings waking to the sound of the lake lapping on the shore, the sight of Lake Huron first thing in the morning. The evenings of sitting on the dock with Dad fishing for perch. Of course, while we fished he talked to me.
I didn't realize I was learning how to live. It might come in the form of a "Jenny" story. I am thankful that my kids got to hear Jenny stories. "Jenny" was a little girl that my father created to teach values. He made up the most wonderful stories about her and one day I figured out she always taught you some kind of moral, ethic or value. Amazing man he was.
"Jenny" was poor because her father, Joe, was "down on his luck". She was good and kind and knew what really mattered. So did her father Joe. I listened to stories of Joe always finding a way to take care of Jenny. Jenny and Joe always found a way to do for others and always did the "right" thing. Wow!
Sometimes Joe went to the bar for a beer. Then we could role play it! I got to be "Joe" and he was the bartender. We had some GREAT conversations as we worked out Joe's problems. I had a miniature A & W Root Beer mug for my "beer", he had a REAL one, of course.
He taught me the value of being spontaneous. Some rules and schedules have to be followed and sometimes you just have to do, what you NEED for you. He never missed a day of work in his life, unless he was on vacation and he knew how to have a vacation, at a moment's notice.
It is OK to do something just because you want to! Some vacations could be planned in about 3 minutes. He got up, got the urge and hours later we were either on the road or on a plane! Talk about IMPULSIVE! He taught us how to be impulsive without being reckless. Dave and I are known for it, but we come by it naturally.
If it was a rough work week....Friday morning, take the day off, tell the kids to stay home from school and head for the in Chicago by 3. Live it up! Order room service and eat just olives, if that is what you want.....experience something new.
Sure makes Monday morning easier after a crazy, fun, weekend.
There are so many memories, that I could write a book about Dad. Maybe I will. Today, I just miss him real bad.
Every situation that arises, somehow I hear his voice in my head. There is always a "Gordyism" to fit the problem. Some are pretty funny, others are just bits of advice. Every childhood memory is filled with Dad. I realize one thing. He made his kids believe that there was NOTHING that they could not accomplish!
We were taught life was going to be hard work, but hard work was just a new challenge. Challenge was a good thing. It made your heart beat faster and you knew you were alive!
You also knew you were going to win.
When things didn't turn out so well, it was only another opportunity for a Gordyism. "If life hands you a lemon, make lemonade", then he helped you figure out how to do that. He never gave you the answer, but taught you how to think.
We were "little people" with most of the family falling between 4'10 and 5'5" tall.
"The bigger they are the harder they fall, Pal!" I can hear him say it over and over. If it was going to be a tough fight, he might say "They may end up with dinner, but you had better get LUNCH."
Every challenge had a planning stage. Selling Girl Scout cookies began with a talk with Dad. It went something like this:
"How many do you have to sell to be the top salesgirl?"
"How many days do you have to do this?"
"Who could be your customers?"
"Let's plan what you will say...."
No wonder Dave and I both ended up in sales! And yes, I was always the top salesgirl. In Cub Scouts, Dave sold so much fertilizer that they delivered in via semi-truck. Mom almost fainted when they filled our entire driveway with those big bags. Dad helped him deliver every bag.
Memories of boxing with Dad on the front lawn (boxing gloves and all) by the age of 5 or 6 are floating around in my head today. He taught me how to defend myself, but there was more learned there as he taught me to think fast and defensively. I was afraid of no one.
More memories of special "secret" trips that ended up at places like the Magic Drinking Fountain are like treasures to pull out on a bad day. After a full day of just time together, we would arrive at the Fountain and he would tell me about the people who believed that this water was so "special" and we were going to get a drink of it. I can still taste that cold well water. I drove by it the other day when I was in Northville and my heart ached for Dad.
He taught me the value of imagination and time spent, just experiencing a beautiful fall day with your Dad. The Michigan State Fair that became a tradition to look forward to as he made every display, event and ride seem like a miracle......I love to watch the home movies of learning how to fish in the lakes up north after he built the anticipation for weeks for our summer vacation.
We knew summer meant a week "up north" at the cottage. Maybe that is why I long for a cottage so much. Those memories of lazy mornings waking to the sound of the lake lapping on the shore, the sight of Lake Huron first thing in the morning. The evenings of sitting on the dock with Dad fishing for perch. Of course, while we fished he talked to me.
I didn't realize I was learning how to live. It might come in the form of a "Jenny" story. I am thankful that my kids got to hear Jenny stories. "Jenny" was a little girl that my father created to teach values. He made up the most wonderful stories about her and one day I figured out she always taught you some kind of moral, ethic or value. Amazing man he was.
"Jenny" was poor because her father, Joe, was "down on his luck". She was good and kind and knew what really mattered. So did her father Joe. I listened to stories of Joe always finding a way to take care of Jenny. Jenny and Joe always found a way to do for others and always did the "right" thing. Wow!
Sometimes Joe went to the bar for a beer. Then we could role play it! I got to be "Joe" and he was the bartender. We had some GREAT conversations as we worked out Joe's problems. I had a miniature A & W Root Beer mug for my "beer", he had a REAL one, of course.
He taught me the value of being spontaneous. Some rules and schedules have to be followed and sometimes you just have to do, what you NEED for you. He never missed a day of work in his life, unless he was on vacation and he knew how to have a vacation, at a moment's notice.
It is OK to do something just because you want to! Some vacations could be planned in about 3 minutes. He got up, got the urge and hours later we were either on the road or on a plane! Talk about IMPULSIVE! He taught us how to be impulsive without being reckless. Dave and I are known for it, but we come by it naturally.
If it was a rough work week....Friday morning, take the day off, tell the kids to stay home from school and head for the in Chicago by 3. Live it up! Order room service and eat just olives, if that is what you want.....experience something new.
Sure makes Monday morning easier after a crazy, fun, weekend.
There are so many memories, that I could write a book about Dad. Maybe I will. Today, I just miss him real bad.
Friday, January 26, 2007

Like everyone else, I HATE telemarketers. I know that I have to make similar calls to customers, but I do not enjoy my evening interrupted any more than anyone else.
We have a policy in our house. If the caller ID doesn't show it to be friend of family, we just don't answer it.
Today, Mike took me to the website shown below. I am going to anwswer the next telemarketer that calls and try this method.
We have a policy in our house. If the caller ID doesn't show it to be friend of family, we just don't answer it.
Today, Mike took me to the website shown below. I am going to anwswer the next telemarketer that calls and try this method.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Rocky Escapes
Monday, January 22, 2007
Rocky Goes to Work
Since he is only 8 weeks old and Paco is such a mean little man, I was afraid to leave Rocky alone on the first day. Sooooooo.......Rocky went to work.
For the most part he curled up on his doggie quilt under my desk and slept. A few times I felt puppy teeth digging into my foot.
Customers absolutely loved seeing he new puppy. Kids came to play and pet him and grown men had to stop and smile. Maybe there is something to be said for the gentle effect of a puppy.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Our New Baby

Meet Rocky! The plan to kick back this weekend went astray, when Joe offered to take me out for breakfast and to the Lansing Starving Artist Show, to buy a painting for the living room. Now I know that is a far stretch from buying a puppy, but it went like this.
Joe left me at the table too long while he was at the breakfast buffet. I started reading the Lansing State Journal want ads and found puppies. Enough said, yet?
I originally bought Josie for myself. She chose Joe. I hope we don't have the same problem, since Andy is carrying Rocky around in his sweatshirt pocket. Rocky is 8 weeks old and adorable.
Kickin' Back Scrapping, Knitting and Eating

After a long work week in this terrible weather, today will be my day to kick back. It was hard every morning to venture out into the snow and sub freezing temps, but yesterday it was like pulling teeth. It was Saturday. I would rather have done laundry and scrubbed toilets!
So today, I will enjoy the new Scrapbooking software I got for Christmas and maybe create something cool. When I tire of that I will finish knitting Cat's second sock. I will cuddle under my quilt, watch tv and eat the turkey dinner I plan to make. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Diet Update
After last week's 2 lb weight gain, I was discouraged......then I got sick. Now everyone knows the ONLY benefit of being sick is weight loss. Especially when you can't even take a day off work to lay there and feel sorry for yourself.
I got up this morning, eager to get on the scale. I HAD GAINED 3 MORE POUNDS!
Soon it will be back to eating hot fudge sundaes.
I got up this morning, eager to get on the scale. I HAD GAINED 3 MORE POUNDS!
Soon it will be back to eating hot fudge sundaes.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I usually don't catch the "bugs" from the kids, but this time I did. Mike and Andy both had the bug this past week, now it is me. Makes me really think about how important it is to pamper them when they are sick. I was so grateful for that cold Coke and bowl of soup Joe brought upstairs tonight. This too shall pass.....soon, I hope.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Andy WINS Again!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Dieting Sucks
I was very committed to this "Health Kick". That was until I went to the Dr yesterday and had gained 2 lbs since last month's visit!
I cannot even count the number of ice cream sundaes with Sanders Hot Fudge, that I have skipped....or the number of Strawberry Pop Tarts that I have not eaten....or all the morning cookies that Ihave skipped! In the past 2 weeks I have only eaten 3 bowls of cereal, which is like asking an alcoholic to have 3 beers in a 2 week period.
This does not make sense! I assumed that if I just dropped off all of that sugar, ate more salad than your average rabbit and drank water instead of Coke that I would lose 10lbs with no problem. NOT!
OK, the war against fat is ON!
I cannot even count the number of ice cream sundaes with Sanders Hot Fudge, that I have skipped....or the number of Strawberry Pop Tarts that I have not eaten....or all the morning cookies that Ihave skipped! In the past 2 weeks I have only eaten 3 bowls of cereal, which is like asking an alcoholic to have 3 beers in a 2 week period.
This does not make sense! I assumed that if I just dropped off all of that sugar, ate more salad than your average rabbit and drank water instead of Coke that I would lose 10lbs with no problem. NOT!
OK, the war against fat is ON!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Cop Magnet Update
Well, it turns out the car dealer "messed up" and had not transferred the license plate. Since I had been given 24 hrs to prove to ERPD that we didn't steal the car, I figured I had better call the dealer for some proof.
You can bet I told my story, after they admitted they hadn't processed the paperwork yet. After their apology they delivered a new license plate for FREE! Now that is smart customer service. Poor Mike is finally "legal". On to the next adventure.
You can bet I told my story, after they admitted they hadn't processed the paperwork yet. After their apology they delivered a new license plate for FREE! Now that is smart customer service. Poor Mike is finally "legal". On to the next adventure.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Yep, it has been less than 1 month and we have proven the theory. Take one RED Mustang, one teenager and try to live in Eaton Rapids (home of Eaton Rapids Finest) and Michael already got stopped by the police tonight.
Reason? Well.....that remains to be determined. First, they wanted to know if he STOLE the car! Yep, you read that right. Mike informed her it was registered to his Mom. She refused to look at the bill of sale (since the new registration isn't in yet), saw the proof of insurance, but no deal.
She then ran the license plate and it came back registered to me, but on his old car, the fine officer asked if he was lying....maybe it WAS stolen? The State of Michigan doesn't have the transfer through yet. Then she came to our HOUSE to verify my ownership. Had a great discussion with Catie and Andy since I was still at work.
Yeah, I LOVE paying $1200 every 6 months to insure a car that doesn't belong to me....Gotta love life in Eaton Rapids!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Health Kick 2007

Ok, EVERYONE makes New Year's Resolutions, but this year I am sticking to mine. After the last Dr visit, we determined that I eat a LOT of sugar and carbs, don't get my heart rate up unless I am mad at someone or smoke a cigarette and I am officially overweight for the first time in my life.
I started the diet...sort of and it wasnt too hard, except for the sugar. I ate the protein and fruit for snacks, drank the "Smart Water" and it was then I learned just how much sugar I ate. I woke up at 1:30 am craving something sweet. (Yeah, I gave in and ate a bowl of cereal).
So today I asked Joe to get the treadmill out of storage and set it up. He and the boys rearranged the family room, dragged it downstairs and made predictions about just how many times I would use it before I quit.
Mike said "Maybe she will have a heart attack on it and then we can get rid of all the Crapbook Stuff and Sewing Crap and have the whole room to ourselves." NICE!
After they set it up, Joe and the boys had to get the dogs and put them on leashes and try to teach them to run the treadmill. MEN!
GROAN! I will lose 20 lbs by June. They say if you tell someone you are more likely to keep your resolution, so I will tell all of you.
I MAY Just HAVE to Quit Work!

After many days of leisure during the Holidays, I have knit 5 socks. Nevermind that they are all different colors! I have still completed 5. In 2007, I shall make the pairs. All who know me well, know that I can only do ONE thing for so long. So, by the end of a sock, I am sick of the color yarn. On to a new color and a new pattern. MUST have a challenge.
Scrapbooking has been a challenge. Had to organize all my new stuff. THAT can take hours. I am finally "into" it now. Problem is: Do I work on all the new Christmas pics, my Heritage album (got a new book on that project to read) or do I start on Mikey's stuff to have ready for his graduation party in June? Oh, well.......that is when I move on to sewing.
I did get a lot of cutting done. Now it is time to play "Let's Make a Deal" with Joe. My hand hurts and so does my arm. Let's not mention that it is the thing I HATE to do. I KNOW I am going to have to do it his way.
Rule #1: Pay him in advance
Rule #2: Supply an organized cutting list of measurements (I fly by the seat of my pants)
Let's see....Joey, Mike and Andy all want new quilts. Cat tells me Paul's is worn out too. Karen goes through one about every 4 yrs (she still drags her blankie). Catie keeps reminding me we already have the fabric for hers. Jim wants MSU socks, Catie wants ALL socks, Cat is still waiting. Yep, I just MAY have to quit my job to finish what I have started during the holidays.
Scrapbooking has been a challenge. Had to organize all my new stuff. THAT can take hours. I am finally "into" it now. Problem is: Do I work on all the new Christmas pics, my Heritage album (got a new book on that project to read) or do I start on Mikey's stuff to have ready for his graduation party in June? Oh, well.......that is when I move on to sewing.
I did get a lot of cutting done. Now it is time to play "Let's Make a Deal" with Joe. My hand hurts and so does my arm. Let's not mention that it is the thing I HATE to do. I KNOW I am going to have to do it his way.
Rule #1: Pay him in advance
Rule #2: Supply an organized cutting list of measurements (I fly by the seat of my pants)
Let's see....Joey, Mike and Andy all want new quilts. Cat tells me Paul's is worn out too. Karen goes through one about every 4 yrs (she still drags her blankie). Catie keeps reminding me we already have the fabric for hers. Jim wants MSU socks, Catie wants ALL socks, Cat is still waiting. Yep, I just MAY have to quit my job to finish what I have started during the holidays.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Christmas with the Boys

We had a fun visit with Nick and Cameron tonight and delivered their new pool/ping pong table. Catie had bought her brothers cap guns, which will be a thrill to their new baby sister Alyvia, who will soon be scared silly, I am sure. The kids really enjoyed their gifts from Aunt Cat and it was Christmas II in January!
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Back to Work
It was rough returning to work yesterday. Once I got there, I got back in the swing, but it sure didn't leave any energy for my hobbies in the evening! By the time I got home both nights it was late, I ate dinner and fell asleep. Either this means, I am (A) Getting Old, (B) Working too hard, or (C) both of the above
Joe showed up at the branch and helped me with some techno-stuff. brought my new terrarium, a plant and generally perked up my afternoon. He spent the rest of the day doing the holiday returns, errands and servicing my car. I am going to keep him another 35 years!
I am taking the last 2 days of vacation time on Thursday and Friday and looking forward to just spending time enjoying my creative endeavors. (yes, there will eventually be finished quilts and socks and lots of scrapbook pages).
Maryann and I are in the midst of planning our annual scrapbook weekend for February. 3 days of peace, quiet and creativity. Last year, we left the room only to shop for more stuff and to pick up carry out foods. It was great!
Joe showed up at the branch and helped me with some techno-stuff. brought my new terrarium, a plant and generally perked up my afternoon. He spent the rest of the day doing the holiday returns, errands and servicing my car. I am going to keep him another 35 years!
I am taking the last 2 days of vacation time on Thursday and Friday and looking forward to just spending time enjoying my creative endeavors. (yes, there will eventually be finished quilts and socks and lots of scrapbook pages).
Maryann and I are in the midst of planning our annual scrapbook weekend for February. 3 days of peace, quiet and creativity. Last year, we left the room only to shop for more stuff and to pick up carry out foods. It was great!
Monday, January 1, 2007

I got a new sewing machine for Christmas. It was just what I needed to get back into quilting and sewing. I had gotten SO into scrapbooking and knitting that I had no time to sew. I continued to collect fabric, always with a quilt in mind.
There is a basket filled with pretty pastels, just waiting to turn into little girls quilts. There is a collection of blues and a pattern that is waiting for Michael. There is a complete quilt in green.......hmmmm, not sure who gets that one.
Then Joey's quilt was stolen. Cat, Karen and Joey have all used their quilts so much that it makes a mother's heart melt. I can't let them be without one. Black and Red, Joey said. The wheels started turning. 3 trips to the fabric store later and my legs are aching from standing at the cutting table.
The initial building of a quilt takes WORK. Cutting and cuttimg and measuring. The sewing part is the pleasure. Sometimes I can convince Joe to cut for me. We made one for Debbie last year....I say "we" because Joe cut every piece.
So, in case any of you are wondering, if I had a cutter, EVERYONE would have a new quilt!
There is a basket filled with pretty pastels, just waiting to turn into little girls quilts. There is a collection of blues and a pattern that is waiting for Michael. There is a complete quilt in green.......hmmmm, not sure who gets that one.
Then Joey's quilt was stolen. Cat, Karen and Joey have all used their quilts so much that it makes a mother's heart melt. I can't let them be without one. Black and Red, Joey said. The wheels started turning. 3 trips to the fabric store later and my legs are aching from standing at the cutting table.
The initial building of a quilt takes WORK. Cutting and cuttimg and measuring. The sewing part is the pleasure. Sometimes I can convince Joe to cut for me. We made one for Debbie last year....I say "we" because Joe cut every piece.
So, in case any of you are wondering, if I had a cutter, EVERYONE would have a new quilt!
Happy New Year!
Joe and I toasted to another New Year with Deb and Jim. We started our evening with a quiet dinner of fresh Lobster. No kids either! Mike, Andy and Catie were all off with friends and Joe and I actually had total peace and quiet.
Then came the good stuff.....chocolate fondue with strawberries, bananas and pineapple. (ok, I dipped potato chips and it was really good!) Cheese, beer and crab fondue with crusty bread and champagne to toast the New Year. Good food and good doesn't get better.
To finish off a good evening, the ladies beat the men as usual at pinochle. Some things never change!
Then came the good stuff.....chocolate fondue with strawberries, bananas and pineapple. (ok, I dipped potato chips and it was really good!) Cheese, beer and crab fondue with crusty bread and champagne to toast the New Year. Good food and good doesn't get better.
To finish off a good evening, the ladies beat the men as usual at pinochle. Some things never change!
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