Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 3....Do ALL cigarettes count?

Ok, official count was 32.....down by 8 from 40, but not exactly earth shattering results. I told myself, it's only the first day of reduction, right? WRONG! It is the first time I have ever sincerely tried. IT IS HARD!

I kept a tally board in the kitchen, marking down every one. It mocked me all day. You would think busy times would be easier, but not so. I am used to lighting them and letting them burn while I stop by occasionally to visit my beloved cigarette. Housework just wasn't the same without the occasional reward and I didn't want to waste one burning.

I knew night would be the worst time. When I settle in to watch TV and knit away, I burn through a LOT of cigarettes that just lay there while I knit. Do these have to count??? I went out to a church dinner (no smoking there) and then to a knitting class (again no smoking) but when I returned it got ugly. Each day will be less.......I promise!