6AM is NOT my favorite time of day. That was when I heard Joe calling for me to get up and find his crutches. He was having a gout attack, his foot is swollen and painful and he could not even make the morning bathroom run without them. Obviously, no choice but to get up.
The crutches were buried in our upstairs storage closet (and I DO mean buried). Without at least my first cup of morning coffee, I am close to useless and dangerously close to being nasty. However, I took on the mission. I found ONE........and was promptly informed that wasn't going to work. Now I had to dig beneath suitcases, summer clothes, old bedspreads, computer keyboards and old printers.........I found it! Oh, oh! One of the kids must have been playing with them and they now fit.......hmmm.......Catie??? Oh, and the handle was missing too.
Joe decides to try an Ace Bandage. Oh, good....I can find THAT at 6:15am....sure I can. Now I take EVERYTHING out of the bottom of the bathroom cabinet. Nope! By this time, Joe is getting frustrated. I am not much happier. The dogs are running wildly through the house because Joe usually takes them outside. All 3 chihauhaus and Spike are crying and Joe is now saying, sarcastically, "I am SO sorry to wake you."
It is Saturday. That means Wrestling Day. Joe isn't going to miss it, no matter what. I do offer to drive him, try to convince him to stay home and finally give in and start the process to help him carry on.
I find the Ace Bandage, find the Motrin, let the dogs out, get Andy up and begin the search for the cane I used when my back was out. Now I have to take EVERYTHING out of the hall closet and find it buried at the back. Joe is now using one crutch and one cane. He WILL make it somehow. About that time we realize that the dogs are probably frozen to the yard, since it is below zero and I forgot them...........I just want a cup of coffee!!!!!
Like the loyal wrestling Dad that he is, Joe limps out to the car and waits as I pack his bag with snacks for himself and the team and essentials for the long day ahead at Okemos High School. It is now 7:30 am and the house is quiet. I have visions of Joe trying to walk on his crutch/cane across the ice and they aren't pretty. I sure hope Andy wins today.