Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Puppies Rollin' Out the Door!

Yesterday I discovered Craig's List. Unbelievable! I had about a million puppies yippin' and it was time to get rid of the Porch Monsters. In desperation, I posted them to Craig's List.

Within an hour I was getting emails and phone calls. Wow! I wish I could say that they were gone, but I can say they are going! People wanted me to email pictures, so of course I ran for the camera. When I emailed them, I found I had to identify them, otherwise I got another email asking about "the brown one on the right". Try to figure THAT out when you have a million photos.

Soon I was getting emails asking about "Brutus", "Little Andy", "Mimi" and "Edgar" (or as the boys say when they imitate Catie "Eggger". A man called to say that his little girl was deaf and going off to a special boarding school. "Brutus" would be her reward for this tough journey. Why did she pick him? She loved his name.

Mimi continues to be a favorite and may join Little Andy soon, as the new owner can't pick between them. Edgar has 2 people coming to see him tonight. Of course, Andy is keeping "Wendy Wu" and Mike is still begging for Mimi. HELP! Laura may have one sold for us. God bless Laura, as usual.

On another note, Andy finally found a car, so we spent ALL day getting the minor repairs done on the "new" car. I got a bit tired of calling for prices and finally got smart, sending Andy. The Jeep rolled down the street, courtesy of CraigsList and Catie tells me the neighbors are interested in Cat and Paul's car. Hmmmm maybe I need to keep this up.......could I have a career in sales?