Sunday, September 27, 2009

Homecoming Dance 2009

Yesterday was a flurry of hair spray, credit card and cash register "CHA CHING" sounds. and I enjoyed every moment of it. 

Wasn't it only yesterday when I had 2 little girls getting ready for their first dance?  How did those 20 years slip by? 

The perfect dress was just waiting on a hanger at the local department store.  I could not believe when Catie walked in the door, straight to the dress and said "This one, Grandma."  I bought it FAST.  That was too easy.  Then we went looking for jewelery...and shoes.....and on to the beauty shop.  It takes a LONG time to pile all those curls up, but the result was worth it. 

Her girlfriends came over to compare dresses, giggle and take part in the 100's of photos. You just can't stop taking pictures of pretty girls.   We finally let her leave for the dance with warnings not to kiss the boys.  Then we waited for 11pm when the real action would begin.

You have to remember being a teenager after the dance to know the amount of telephone calls, noise, screams and general noise that went on until FIVE AM!  Joe had steak dinners ready for Catie and Nicole when they came home hungry from dancing the night away.  We had hoped they would fill their stomachs and go to sleep.  How dumb we are.

At 4am I sent a rather nasty text msg to Catie.....something about "DO NOT OPEN YOUR BEDROOM DOOR AGAIN!  BE QUIET!"  Since Andy was due to roll in from work soon, it was almost time to start the day and NO ONE had slept.  Love the Chin house on Saturday nights.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Are We Racists?

I was reading postings on Facebook and an old friend had posted this link.  The writer blasts those who attended the recent protest in Washington DC as racists.

I did not see ONE racist sign.  I saw 78,000 people using their Constitutional rights to show their disagreement with President Obama.  They were respectful and orderly and there was not much press coverage given, since they did not require massive police involvement.  RACISM comes into play when people assume that every protest is racially motivated.

Our President is black.  We know that.  That does not mean we have to agree with everything he says and does or be called racist.   I wish I could have attended this protest.

If You Wonder Why I Knit.....

Everyone knows that I can be found with needles in hand most of the time.  Knitting and knitting away my days.  I stop only when I have to or when my hand and arm ache (I usually prop it on a pillow).  Not only have I found a wonderful way to create art while relaxing in my chair, but I found a new social life through the knitters in the Lansing area.  I have met so many women who share my hobby. 

I loved to scrapbook until it became too painful with my physical problems.  I just could not stand or sit in a regular chair long enough to enjoy it.  I wasn't even allowed to RIDE the lawnmower any more and it was pretty frustrating.  This report from Mayo Clinic makes it all make sense:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stay At Home Mom

ANDY:  "MOM!  Do you think I can get my birthday present early?"
CATIE:  "GRANDMA!  I need a ride!"
MIKE:  "MOM!  Got any ideas where I can get a trailer to move....TODAY?"
JOEY:  "MOM!  I need to talk to you."
CAT:  "MOM!  Are you busy?"
ANDY:  "MOM....How about if I go buy my present and you pay me back on my birthday?"
CATIE:  "GRANDMA, I want to go see Tami's new puppies.....NOW, pleeeeze!"

Oh, from Joe........Can I call his Dr and then pick up his prescriptions?  I guess that is right after I get some laundry done.....Hmmmm, need someone to carry it downstairs and then back up when it is clean.  Nobody around when I need them.  Guess I won't be doing laundry!

Phone is ringing again....promised to do some volunteer work.  Have to work on it tomorrow. 
Phone is ringing again.....Andy is now BUYING his birthday gift...."You don't mind do ya MOM?"
Phone is ringing again....Too busy to answer, in line at Rite Aid trying to get Joe's prescription.....PHONE WON"T STOP RINGING!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaa!

Mike and Joey are both just hitting re-dial!  Is the world coming to an end? 

NOPE!  Mike just wants to ask a question and Joey wants to chat.   Ooops!  It's my brother Dave this time and into Voice Mail....that thing has been full since June of 2008.  I will call him back as soon as I get a minute. 

In the house, Joe is home, dinner is ready and I have to be somewhere by 6.  Eat quick, run out the door...Oh, of course...I have no gas!

Phone ringing....CATIE:  "Grandma!  I need lunch money!  Can you please make sure to leave it for me?"
Phone ringing....ANDY:  "Mom!  Can I have five bucks for a pizza....I missed dinner and it's gone."
Phone ringing....JOE:  "Can you stop and buy ice?"
Phone ringing....MIKE:  "Can you forward me an email?"

Made it to my knit class........whew!  I wish I could turn off the phone, but I can't imagine.

Phone ringing.....My brother Dave...Shoot!  Forgot to call back.  Wonder why?  I haven't been busy.  Can't answer in the middle of class.  I will call him when I leave.

Too late, I get text saying he is in Detroit at the Tiger game.  I should have answered and run away to Detroit!  RATS!

I just stay home.  Don't do much.  Why am I tired?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Knitting Away

It has been a very busy week!  Joe turned 29 on 9/9/09 and we had a nice family party.  School has resumed and I admit I am enjoying my quiet days after a loud and happy summer. 
I have been busy knitting and am on a roll for my Christmas gift list.  I finished this scarf and one handwarmer (the other one is on the needles) the scarf below for Joe's birthday and am working on another for my favorite nurse practitioner. 
Joe and his "Pocket Puppies"

Friday, September 4, 2009

Christmas in September

All year I knit. With my disability, most hobbies are impossible and even knitting makes my hand and arm ache, but I do love to knit. So each night I cuddle in and begin to knit as I tune into my favorite TV shows. I am called the Queen of UFOs, or "Unfinished Objects" on my favorite knitting website, but there is method to my madness.

Last year I began numerous projects and actually FINISHED them in the fall months as Christmas drew near. Again this year I am going into the final 3 months and watching the Christmas gifts pile up. Well, maybe there isn't a "pile" of finished objects, but there will be soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today as I was playing with "Bear" our little 5 week old ball of fluff, I realized that there is nothing as much fun as playing with a puppy. You cannot walk by that puppy without stopping to smile and half the time you just have to stop and play. He discovered my yarn today as shown above. I am trying to knit and he is chasing the ball of yarn.