I am feeling better! Now I am not talking about the EXTREME cravings for cigarettes that I fight every minute of the day OR the headaches from withdrawal, but I have had more energy. Mentally, I am feeling energized because I am doing something positive for me. I've only had 2 cups of coffee today!
My daily drop in smoking is sometimes only ONE cigarette less on some days, but it is still less. I figure the less nicotine in my system, the easier it will be on that final COLD TURKEY day. God, I dread that day!
I have received advice from friends to use the crutches and I certainly plan to. Right now it is retraining time. I do not HAVE to have every cigarette I crave. Just thinking about saying no and delaying it, is a miracle for me. I have smoked 7 today so far. It is a far cry from a week ago.
Nights are tougher. As I've said, light 'em and let 'em burn. I hate those because they kill my daily numbers. I am going to work on them soon. For now, I am happy with myself.