Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Busy, Busy Family

The Nuthouse is extra busy right now and even though I am tired, I wouldn't change a thing! As we work together to get ready for Mike's Open House, it has been a house filled with laughter (oh, yeah there is some yelling), lots of food, lots of kids and we are enjoying being a family.

Cat and Tate are here while Paul suns himself in Afghanistan. We enjoy his daily pictures and emails, but miss him very much. We ARE enjoying Tate and he is becoming just another one of the bunch. Everyone enjoys playing with him, as you can see from the photo above, as he and Andy jump on the trampoline.

Laura and Alexis joined us last week for a rare evening of porch sitting. We all gathered at Cat's place and relaxed on her deck for a bit while the kids played. We need a few more evenings like that one. I am happy, but very, very tired!

Although the kids are usually HERE, I have to enforce curfew occasionally. I get them home by allowing them to bring whomever they choose and they DO choose to bring friends. I have to take a headcount at night to be sure what I am responsible for since usually we have Justin, Erin, Kyle and various others sleeping around here somewhere. Often, they are at computers, working with Joe or just hanging out with me, which is the best thing I could ask for. I love being with these kids, even when they do drive me nuts.

Catie and her SEVEN puppies keep life exciting, as if Paco, Josie, Frankie, Rocky and Spike weren't enough. Someone knocks at the door and you would think we have 1000 dogs waiting to eat them. Someone is ALWAYS knocking at the door!

Andrew has his driver's permit and I have turned completely grey, but we are out every single day and night, driving around, doing errands and inventing things to do. Tonight it was a visit to the car wash, the laundramat (we did Cat's laundry while she drywalled) and out for ice cream.

This has to be what summer is supposed to be about.

Open House on Saturday!

Mike took "the walk" last Sunday afternoon as we listened to Pomp and Circumstance for the first time in a few years, picked up his diploma and made Mom and Dad very happy. Cat and Tate joined us for dinner afterwards at Bennigans (Mike's choice) and we called it a night, as our REAL celebration is next Saturday.

Pictures to be seen on the side of the page include some of the work crew this week as we spiff up the house and yard. Seems like we let a lot go recently, but it is all in shape now. Joey helped with the painting last month, which got us started. The back porch is now officially drywalled, the new subfloor is in and we are in the home stretch of finally finishing that nice big room. With our growing family, it will be so nice to have an extra 400 sq ft of space.

Even Tate was swinging the hammer, Cat was taping and mudding, Mike, Andy and Justin were general labor on this crew with Joe definitely the Supervisor. Morning has brought achine muscles for the older set, the kids just lay in bed and moan "NOT AGAIN TODAY!"

Joe is roasting a pig for the crowd, the boys have built a bonfire pit for the evening and we plan to PARTY all day and night to celebrate Mike's graduation! So if you are reading this.......you are invited! Join us for a day of food, family, friends and fun!