Thursday, July 16, 2009


Anyone who knows our darling Catie, knows she lives to go to any carnival that hits town, but the Eaton County Fair is her favorite day of the summer! As soon as she saw it listed in the newspaper, she began planning and calling her friends. Today is the day and she and her girlfriend waited patiently for me to get up, then finally brought me a cup of hot coffee to give me a nudge.

She will ride EVERY ride at least 3 times, eat every treat that she can afford to buy and then beg to stay, just a little longer. I am all ready for the phone calls begging for just one more hour. Photos to come.........


cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Catie and the fair..I swear we have to scrapbook that!

Unknown said...

oooh sounds fun!! I loved the fair, can't wait to see the pictures :)