The day has come when my youngest child left the driveway behind the wheel alone. It was a milestone for both of us. He was ready....I was not!
We had a day that proved the theory.."If it can go wrong...it will!"
I was happy for Andy as he felt his first day of independence, if a bit nervous.
The day began with plans for Andy to take his Driver Test, so of course, we got up to SNOW! Now, since he took Driver Ed in the spring, it didn't give him any snow driving time. I offered to reschedule the test for a day of dry pavement, but I should have known what the response would be...."I've got it, Mom."
I followed Joe's instructions to take the car to the local garage for fluid checks, tires, etc. before going to the test. The car must be in perfect working order in order to use it for testing. We get to the test site and Andy begins to practice driving in and around the cones in the lot on snow. He turns the car off and seems to be waiting for the instructor.....then I see him motion to me. What is wrong?
The auto ignition has LOCKED UP and the car will NOT start! I could NOT believe this! After 10 minutes of trying, I call Joe, who tells me "It has done that to me a few times. Just keep playing with it." I do not believe this is happening.
I finally get lucky and the key turns after about 50 tries. Andy and I both give a sigh of relief. Now the guy begins to check the car equipment. He informs us that we have a BRAKE LIGHT OUT! We look at each other in total amazement. Is the devil after us today? Since we have 2 part brake lights and one working, at least, on each side, that he will test and Andy passes with an excellent score. I think the worst is over. NOT!
Andy has about 45 minutes before he must be on the Wrestling bus to a tournament, so I tell him he can take my car out for a spin. He calls me 10 minutes later and the car is again LOCKED UP! Mike to the rescue!! I send Mike to get him and as he gets 1/2 way to Andy, the car finally starts.
Mike got to work on time. Andy made the bus and I am exhausted. For those of you who hang around much, you will know what I mean when I say..."Andy is an excellent driver."
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