Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today is the BIG Day

Tonight, Eaton Rapids Wrestlers go to Mason for the Regional competition. We are so proud of Andy to have been placed in tonight's lineup. He even got a haircut to commemorate the occasion. I have been begging him for months and I came home to find a pleasant surprise. At Saturday's competition, someone pulled his headgear off during the match, pulling his hair. I think it made him realize when it distracted him, that a haircut was a good idea. Anyway, he looks like my boy again.

According to the Wrestling website, he gets to wrestle against John Glenn High School on Sunday. Since Joe and I both graduated from Glenn, we told him we were wearing our alumni T-shirts and would not be able to stop chanting ....."J. G. H. S.....Goooooooo Glenn!" He didn't find it funny.

Unfortunately, he is wrestling at 125, which is above his weight class, but they need someone to fill that slot. He did it last week and won, so here's hoping.

Update tonight, after the tournament!

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