What a week! Everyone knows Michigan winter brings colds and flu, but this has been ridiculous. We are buying out the shelves of Kleenex, Robitussin, Tylenol Cold pills and cough drops. Joe, Andy and I are walking germ festivals. Poor Andy has tried to wrestle, while he cannot even breathe.
10 days ago, I ended up in the emergency room with chest pain. That got my attention and as much as I hate going to the doctor or God forbid, the hospital, I knew I had better get moving.
After an hour of something that resembled a TV medical drama, complete with IVs, EKGs, etc, I was told it was caused by high blood pressure, probably due to stress. One big shot of something to mellow out and down came the BP. Hmmmmmmm
At least I had not had a heart attack. Always having had low blood pressure, I wondered if Eaton Rapids Hospital was correct. Just a fluke? NOT............it continued to rise the next day at my follow up visit.
By Tuesday, when it hit a number I won't put into print, the Dr advised me to take some time off, wrote a bunch of prescriptions and sent me to the cardiologist. Just GREAT!
So, I have taken a few days off to rest and try to see if I can get it under control. I decided to test the stress theory this weekend. During the break in the midst of the Regional Wrestling tournament I stopped at the drugstore and checked my BP........it wasn't pretty. Guess these doctors really do know more than I give them credit for.
Anybody want to take bets on what it will take me for to stay melllow?
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
ER Greyhound Wrestlers won the Regional Championship last night in Mason! On to State competion where the Greyhounds boys will show them how it is done!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Mike

Mike's 18th birthday was a non-celebration for Mom and Dad, but a sign that he is truly 18 now. His idea of fun was, no birthday cake, no birthday dinner......just some birthday cash and off with his friends. That is when you know they are grown up, I guess.
His life is filled with school, his band, his love of computers and of course, looking forward to graduation. He is a great kid and I spent last night missing him, but feeling good that he has turned out to be such a wonderful son.
Happy Birthday, Mike
Today is the BIG Day
Tonight, Eaton Rapids Wrestlers go to Mason for the Regional competition. We are so proud of Andy to have been placed in tonight's lineup. He even got a haircut to commemorate the occasion. I have been begging him for months and I came home to find a pleasant surprise. At Saturday's competition, someone pulled his headgear off during the match, pulling his hair. I think it made him realize when it distracted him, that a haircut was a good idea. Anyway, he looks like my boy again.
According to the Wrestling website, he gets to wrestle against John Glenn High School on Sunday. Since Joe and I both graduated from Glenn, we told him we were wearing our alumni T-shirts and would not be able to stop chanting ....."J. G. H. S.....Goooooooo Glenn!" He didn't find it funny.
Unfortunately, he is wrestling at 125, which is above his weight class, but they need someone to fill that slot. He did it last week and won, so here's hoping.
Update tonight, after the tournament!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
That's My Boy!

Andy pinned his first opponent from Battle Creek quickly. The second match against a Senior from Jackson Northwest (Andy says he was from HELL) was lost by points.
He quickly came back with another PIN against Parma and finished with a final PIN against his opponent from Mason.
This qualifies him to compete at the Regional Individual Championship next Saturday!
Can't help but think Gordy's grandson just made him smile in heaven.
*************To be Continued!
Wrestling Update

The top Varsity teams "wrestled off" and sent their best to the Individual District Championship today in Charlotte. After Eaton Rapids won the District Championship, Andy again won the spot in his weight class and will represent Eaton Rapids.
Regionals will take place Wednesday night in Mason. GO ER!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It was a good night in Eaton Rapids watching the Greyhouns win the District Wrestling Championship 75-3! Andrew pinned his opponent from Dewitt and I was so nervous I couldn't even take pictures. Our favorite buddy Justin also pinned his opponents from Charlotte and Dewitt. Now it's on to Regionals on Sunday.
Gone to Ground--Maybe...For a while
I have been told by my regular readers that I have been strangely quiet. My family members have complained that they not only haven't heard from me lately, but can't reach me by phone. Cousin Kathi, calls it "Mona has gone to ground" and says it happens every so often. I guess she is right.
Sometimes the world becomes too full, moves too fast and by 9pm when I get home, there is just no energy left. Whether it be enough energy to make a phone call or the creativity to compose a blog, it just isn't there.
Don't get me wrong.......I enjoy my days, I just find them exhausting. I love my job. That is a given. The challenge each day keeps me getting up and looking forward to seeing just what I can achieve. I consider myself lucky to have a job that often feels like I am playing a game....and I LOVE games. It is more fun to win at the game of work, than my favorite game of pinochle. After all, Debbie and I have been beating Joe and Jim at cards for over 30 years. It has almost lost it's thrill!
Winning at work is a bit more complicated and the reward definitely lasts longer. The thrill of accomplishment is a high that lasts far longer than the extra cash it brings. I can spend a year's bonus in a weekend. Just did.
February always does this to me. I come into the new year committed to a lot, some of which I actually accomplish each year. This year I have set expectations for myself professionally and personally and am finding myself tired, but satisfied at the end of the day. Just enough energy to hit the couch.
I will attend Andy's wrestling meet tomorrow night. I will take the day off so I am not too tired to enjoy the important stuff. Thursday, I will watch Michael play a concert for the VFW Children's Home. It is nice to be proud of your sons and I am.
So, if it seems as if I am "gone to ground", maybe I am. Spring is coming.....and then I want to paint the house and get ready for Mike's graduation. Think I am going to enjoy this February quiet, snuggled under my quilt at night, watching tv and knitting mismatched socks.
Sometimes the world becomes too full, moves too fast and by 9pm when I get home, there is just no energy left. Whether it be enough energy to make a phone call or the creativity to compose a blog, it just isn't there.
Don't get me wrong.......I enjoy my days, I just find them exhausting. I love my job. That is a given. The challenge each day keeps me getting up and looking forward to seeing just what I can achieve. I consider myself lucky to have a job that often feels like I am playing a game....and I LOVE games. It is more fun to win at the game of work, than my favorite game of pinochle. After all, Debbie and I have been beating Joe and Jim at cards for over 30 years. It has almost lost it's thrill!
Winning at work is a bit more complicated and the reward definitely lasts longer. The thrill of accomplishment is a high that lasts far longer than the extra cash it brings. I can spend a year's bonus in a weekend. Just did.
February always does this to me. I come into the new year committed to a lot, some of which I actually accomplish each year. This year I have set expectations for myself professionally and personally and am finding myself tired, but satisfied at the end of the day. Just enough energy to hit the couch.
I will attend Andy's wrestling meet tomorrow night. I will take the day off so I am not too tired to enjoy the important stuff. Thursday, I will watch Michael play a concert for the VFW Children's Home. It is nice to be proud of your sons and I am.
So, if it seems as if I am "gone to ground", maybe I am. Spring is coming.....and then I want to paint the house and get ready for Mike's graduation. Think I am going to enjoy this February quiet, snuggled under my quilt at night, watching tv and knitting mismatched socks.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Saturday Morning Crazy
6AM is NOT my favorite time of day. That was when I heard Joe calling for me to get up and find his crutches. He was having a gout attack, his foot is swollen and painful and he could not even make the morning bathroom run without them. Obviously, no choice but to get up.
The crutches were buried in our upstairs storage closet (and I DO mean buried). Without at least my first cup of morning coffee, I am close to useless and dangerously close to being nasty. However, I took on the mission. I found ONE........and was promptly informed that wasn't going to work. Now I had to dig beneath suitcases, summer clothes, old bedspreads, computer keyboards and old printers.........I found it! Oh, oh! One of the kids must have been playing with them and they now fit.......hmmm.......Catie??? Oh, and the handle was missing too.
Joe decides to try an Ace Bandage. Oh, good....I can find THAT at 6:15am....sure I can. Now I take EVERYTHING out of the bottom of the bathroom cabinet. Nope! By this time, Joe is getting frustrated. I am not much happier. The dogs are running wildly through the house because Joe usually takes them outside. All 3 chihauhaus and Spike are crying and Joe is now saying, sarcastically, "I am SO sorry to wake you."
It is Saturday. That means Wrestling Day. Joe isn't going to miss it, no matter what. I do offer to drive him, try to convince him to stay home and finally give in and start the process to help him carry on.
I find the Ace Bandage, find the Motrin, let the dogs out, get Andy up and begin the search for the cane I used when my back was out. Now I have to take EVERYTHING out of the hall closet and find it buried at the back. Joe is now using one crutch and one cane. He WILL make it somehow. About that time we realize that the dogs are probably frozen to the yard, since it is below zero and I forgot them...........I just want a cup of coffee!!!!!
Like the loyal wrestling Dad that he is, Joe limps out to the car and waits as I pack his bag with snacks for himself and the team and essentials for the long day ahead at Okemos High School. It is now 7:30 am and the house is quiet. I have visions of Joe trying to walk on his crutch/cane across the ice and they aren't pretty. I sure hope Andy wins today.
The crutches were buried in our upstairs storage closet (and I DO mean buried). Without at least my first cup of morning coffee, I am close to useless and dangerously close to being nasty. However, I took on the mission. I found ONE........and was promptly informed that wasn't going to work. Now I had to dig beneath suitcases, summer clothes, old bedspreads, computer keyboards and old printers.........I found it! Oh, oh! One of the kids must have been playing with them and they now fit.......hmmm.......Catie??? Oh, and the handle was missing too.
Joe decides to try an Ace Bandage. Oh, good....I can find THAT at 6:15am....sure I can. Now I take EVERYTHING out of the bottom of the bathroom cabinet. Nope! By this time, Joe is getting frustrated. I am not much happier. The dogs are running wildly through the house because Joe usually takes them outside. All 3 chihauhaus and Spike are crying and Joe is now saying, sarcastically, "I am SO sorry to wake you."
It is Saturday. That means Wrestling Day. Joe isn't going to miss it, no matter what. I do offer to drive him, try to convince him to stay home and finally give in and start the process to help him carry on.
I find the Ace Bandage, find the Motrin, let the dogs out, get Andy up and begin the search for the cane I used when my back was out. Now I have to take EVERYTHING out of the hall closet and find it buried at the back. Joe is now using one crutch and one cane. He WILL make it somehow. About that time we realize that the dogs are probably frozen to the yard, since it is below zero and I forgot them...........I just want a cup of coffee!!!!!
Like the loyal wrestling Dad that he is, Joe limps out to the car and waits as I pack his bag with snacks for himself and the team and essentials for the long day ahead at Okemos High School. It is now 7:30 am and the house is quiet. I have visions of Joe trying to walk on his crutch/cane across the ice and they aren't pretty. I sure hope Andy wins today.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
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