Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 6...Celbrating Victories

Today I got up with the right deterination and motivation. First of all, let us count the good things. I have cut my caffiene by more than HALF. That is ALL the doctor said I had to do, was cut it down. I did it!

I have reduced the coffee so that I am not even finishing the morning pot. Maybe 2 cups total. Yes, I still make one in the afternoon and evening, but I am nursing it slowly and not finishing it. I am now taking glasses of water to bed, instead of my usual coffee. I am actually having nights where I fall asleep before 3am. Amazing!

Yes, it is tough. The cigarettes are the toughest. Every day that I try to reduce is a step closer. Two years ago I was in pain, both physically and with my grief. I just haven't cared even one bit about how much I smoked. All of you understand, I am sure. I realized that I have made a lot of progress.

I care! I want to be healthy! I have important things to do, like watch my girls play dress-up.

I am looking forward to visiting non smoking places without feeling uncomfortable. I am looking forward to feeling better. Right now, I am feeling rough....WITHDRAWAL!


cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

I wanna play dress up!! Good work MOM--keep going :)

Sabastian said...

ok this post really hit home. Seeing the picture of my own daughter and thinking about wanting to be there for her myself. I am going to quit smoking as well. Time to lose the pounds i've gained and get healthy. For my kids sake. Thanks again mom for being an inspiration. Love you.

Unknown said...

Yay!! I know you can do it, you're as stubborn as any person I've ever met lol