Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Catie Isn't Stupid

She has important things to do, like cheerleading, choir, talk on the phone and get on myspace, so she has to make sure that homework is done quickly and efficiently. That is why she came home from school and advised me that WE have a fun project to do!

Since the assignment was to write a paper on a famous historical person, Catie immediately suggested to her partner, Nicole, that they choose Abraham Lincoln. "My grandma knows all about him!" Nicole's response was "OUR project will ROCK!"

Now I do have to say that Catie immediately suggested a trip to Barnes and Noble to buy some new books on Lincoln that "we" could read. Then she asked me if I wanted to tell her all about the one I just finished, so "we" could use it. I don't have any dumb babies!

1 comment:

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! That is so funny.