Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.

To this day, I find Lincoln quotes to be profound and applicable to today's life. This man with so little education and such a great mind, simply devoted his life to making a difference in the world he touched.

My lifelong fascination with Lincoln began in the 3rd grade when I began checking out every book in the library about this Civil War President. He was a very odd and colorful character.
I began with the stories written for children about his early years in the log cabin, learned of his poverty and his strugle for education. Those books read a bit like something from Little House on the Prarie.

As I grew older and understood the Civil War, I continued to try to understand his politics and applaud them. I traveled to Washington DC and the highlight for me was to visit the sites of his life, ending in the boarding house where he lay dying after his assasination. Karen shared this interest and she and I chose to go to Ford Theater, while Joe and Cat moved on to the Pentagon and the Mint. We both loved Lincoln.

One day I found a photo of him with an inscription that motivated me beyond all else. It described the countless failures in his life and ended with his ultimate victory of becoming President and the Emancipation. As usual, I passed it up because I could find countless other ways to spend my cash with 5 kids to feed and educate. I was so moved when I opened my Christmas gift from Dave and Maryann and found the coveted artwork. It hung in my office for years and I am searching for the right place to put it now at home.

I happened upon a book called simply, Mary. It qualifies as historic ficion, although the book was written by taking the letters that Mary Lincoln wrote during her lifetime. When she was finally committed to a mental institution by her son, she began writing her life story in letter form. She was not mad, but grief stricken, after losing 3 sons and her husband. I can so totally relate to this woman's anguish and only pray that my 3 sons choose not to commit me any time soon.

Through this book, I grew to understand not only the power of a wife who believes in her husband, but came to know Lincoln, again on a deeper level. They were a fascinating couple, who changed American history. I highly recommend this book. Wouldn't it be nice if an intelligent person, with good morals and deep love of country could be elected today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damned LIBERAL !!!!!
Joe is still here so you dont have to worry about being certified any time soon !