Sunday, February 10, 2008

Typical Chin Sunday--Catie Goes to Camp!

We spent the whole weekend getting Catie ready to go to camp. First the Walmart trip....HUNDREDS of dollars later, Catie started packing. She needed new boots, shoes and extra warm clothes since the temp around here is sub zero.
Nobody wanted to go out, but I did manage to get Andy and Justin to the store once and Joe made a trip out. We had to have cleaning products as everyone cleaned their rooms today and then Joe made a big breakfast AND dinner. Aaaah, it was good NOT to cook.
It took Catie 2 different bags to settle on one, then a re-pack when she found she couldn't lift it. We informed her that there are no bell hops, porters or others to carry her bags, so she trimmed down her load.
Her camera is ready for lots of pictures, which will be posted here soon!

1 comment:

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Great pictures! The kitchen looks bigger for some reason...
Oh I so miss chorizo and eggs. No one else eats them around here and I can't justify making them just for me.