Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer Fun!

Today should be named "Summer Fun". I had spent the morning on boring things like checkbook balancing and bills, so Cat and Tate were a welcome sight this afternoon. Cat left Tate with me for a few minutes while she did some laundry and I decided to get out the bubbles. He knew what they were and his smile went from ear to ear as he watched me blowing bubbles. Tate's blowing was more like a big SPIT! We laughed and laughed together, practicing bubble blowing until his Mom showed up to take over the lessons. When the bubbles were getting old we went to sidewalk chalk and he enjoyed enjoyed decorating my front walk while I relaxed on the porch. That is what summer is about...rocking on the porch, enjoying the afternoon while the children laugh and play. Life is good.

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