Thursday, March 8, 2007


I have been asked on numerous occasions, why Mike doesn't appear on my blogs and also why he is so seldom seen in my scrapbook pages. The reason is simple....Mike won't let me take his picture!

I often try a sneak attack, but usually fail. He throws his hand up (as shown here) yelling, "STOP, Mom!" This all began about a year ago. From birth to age 17, I have lots of pictures of Mike. Then it all ended. It appears as if Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc are without Mike. As soon as he sees the camera come out, Mike splits.

The other day, Joe, Karen, Andy and I headed into Taco Bell for lunch. There was Mike with the members of his band. I had the ever present camera around my neck (we were on the way home from the wrestling match). As I snapped the first one, the hand went up....but I GOT HIM as he bit into his taco! So, yes, I love Mike......I just can't get him on film.

1 comment:

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

I'm sure Mikey wanted to crawl under the table and die when you guys got there!