4th of July
is the traditional Uncle Dave and Aunt Maryann holiday (in addition to Thanksgiving). UD did not disappoint the kids who were waiting for the
boom (see above). AMA made her famous pasta, fruit and cucumber salads...mmmmm, too bad Andy left one on the counter all night during a midnight snack!
Then there was the BOAT! The adults enjoyed an evening cruise with a few beverages and Jimmy Buffet playing away as the fireworks went off in the distance. THAT was a great 4th of July memory.

The next day UD took the kids for the wild ride and turned them loose on the jet ski while Maryann and I relaxed at home in the air conditioning with all our scrapbook paraphanalia.
Great pages WERE created. Of course, we ate and ate and ate....
Those 2 men CAN cook and Maryann and I really do not mind sitting all weekend with our scrapbook stuff, while they feed us!
Maryann and Elizaeth decided to teach Catie to play softball. This is not a skill that I can pass on to my dear granddaughter. She loved it so much that she can't wait for Spring to sign up, especially after watching Elizabeth (the pro) play a game on Thursday night. Steve hung out, watching the world go by and providing the support (i.e. running to the store for more coffee, taking out the mounds of trash and pop cans). Josie and Rocky went along for the ride and Buddy the BIG Lab was extremely tolerant of the little ones running around HIS house.
Back on the home front, Mike and Cathy took care of the rest of the "farm". Paco apparently gave Cat a few days of hell. He growled at her repeatedly, even with food. At one point she had to get a blanket and drop it OVER him in order to pick him up without getting bitten!!!! Her quote, "I HATE THAT DOG SO MUCH!!"
All in all, we had a good 3 days of relaxation that was much needed, thanks to the Alberts, who do know how to run a great luxury hotel! Great company, food and all the boat rides you want!