I was very committed to this "Health Kick". That was until I went to the Dr yesterday and had gained 2 lbs since last month's visit!
I cannot even count the number of ice cream sundaes with Sanders Hot Fudge, that I have skipped....or the number of Strawberry Pop Tarts that I have not eaten....or all the morning cookies that Ihave skipped! In the past 2 weeks I have only eaten 3 bowls of cereal, which is like asking an alcoholic to have 3 beers in a 2 week period.
This does not make sense! I assumed that if I just dropped off all of that sugar, ate more salad than your average rabbit and drank water instead of Coke that I would lose 10lbs with no problem. NOT!
OK, the war against fat is ON!
Hey, all you have to do is work at the mag plan during the spring and summer and you'll drop 20-30 pounds. I lost about 15 lbs just being off work for six months. Must have been all that good living I was doing.
Just get some wire rimmed glasses and you will look just like mother.
You are looking more and more like her as you age.
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